Calendar subject to change at short notice.
Please click on an event in the calendar for full details.

Weekly meetings take place on Thursday evenings and are normally held in the ‘MBA Lounge’, formerly known as the ‘Times Square Hall’, at the VBS Community Stadium, Gander Green Lane, Sutton, Surrey unless stated otherwise under Venue in the programme.
If no specific event is listed it will usually be a social evening.
Meetings start at 20.00. – Talks start at 20.15 unless stated otherwise in the event.

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Sea Cadets (change of venue!)

Sutton Sea Cadet Corps Church of St Mary the Virgin, Church Path, Church Rd, Wallington

Start at 19:15 Change of venue - Address - Sutton Sea Cadet Corps Church of St Mary the Virgin, Church Path, Church Rd Wallington, SM6 7NH Message from Sea Cadets: "On a separate note, we have just had to scrap our minibus, which is essential to getting our cadets out on the water. We are in the process of saving up for a new one. The unit is an individual charity, any donations are welcome, but please do not feel obliged. Just a reminder if you can arrive for 19:15. Colours is at 19:30. If you arrive during Colours, just wait outside and the quartermaster will let you in when complete. Colours is only about 5 mins long. The staff and cadets are looking forward to meeting you all."

Portsmouth Navigators Challenge

From Portsmouth a navigators challenge to be set Organiser Dave Moore You will have sail to a number of buoys starting from a central point. These can be rounded in any order you feel is best. So you will need to work the tides to best match your boat. Times to complete the course will be correct using handicap ratings. Meal afterwards likely to be in Gosport



Co Production evening

Our committee would very much like this club to be led by the members, so we need to hear what you want! We will gather your thoughts by breaking into groups for brainstorming, discussions, reminiscing and adding a touch of 'blue sky thinking'. Notes will be taken so we can act on the membership's wishes over the next year. So please do come along to make your voice heard! As usual, tea and coffee will be on offer, we won't know if the bar is open until the night, so best to be prepared and BYO if you'd like something cooler.

2024 Photo Competition

Deadline for photo entries is 31st October - prints must be with Derek by this date. Please see recent email for rules and categories.

Visitors are welcome on any Thursday club night held at the VBS Community Stadium